Free Swap Upgrade: New Location in 1657 Lincoln Garage

With the Sustainability Office's move in August (CHECK) from its Kagin Commons location to a house on 1657 Lincoln, the Mac Free Swap moved too. It is now located in the garage behind the new Sustainability Office, with access from the street behind the Office or walking through the house to the backyard.

The new location allows students, staff, faculty, and community members to bring a wider range of items, including small to medium sized household items and furniture. Large racks offer an easier view of the clothing that has been donated, and the extra shelf space is filled with a variety of books, office supplies, kitchen utensils, art supplies, games, and other miscellanius items.

The only downside to the new Free Swap space is its hidden location. Compared to its previous Kagin space with regular student traffic, the garage on 1657 Lincoln isn't visible from campus. In order to make the Free Swap more accessible, the Sustainability Office has increased the signage on the building and posted to the Mac Daily about special items people donated.

If you're looking for clothes, decorations, household items, or have things you want to donate, check out the new Free Swap location on 1657 Lincoln around the corner from 77 Mac.

Items we (almost) always have:
  • T-shirts (and most other clothing items)
  • Textbooks and other reading materials
  • Binders and file folders
  • Kitchen utensils
  • Cups and travel mugs
written by Sustainability Office student worker Zella Lobo


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