Macalester Students at Youth Climate Strike

Today, Friday September 20th, Macalester students joined thousands in the Twin Cities and around the world in a strike for the climate. Protesters gathered at the State Capital in St. Paul after marching from the Western Sculpture Park to demand government take immediate action to combat climate change. Inspired by “Fridays for Future” pioneered by Sweedish youth activist Greta Thunberg, this Friday’s protests in over 150 countries are happening three days prior to the United Nations climate action summit in New York. The UN climate action summit convened by the UN Secretary-General Antonio-Gutteres aims to “raise the global level of ambition to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and to galvanize action that can limit climate change to 2°C and even 1.5°C as science now asks.” This Friday’s protests hopefully will demonstrate to global leaders that people, especially youth, around the world want major change to protect the future of the planet. 

In Saint Paul specifically, the Minnesota Youth Climate Strike leaders spoke about the need for a Green New Deal, local and state policy, as well as against the new Enbridge Energy Line 3 oil pipeline proposed to go through Minnesota. Many of the signs, chants, and speeches at the Youth Climate Strike connected to the Macalester Sustainability Office’s commitment to environmental justice through our sustainability goals.

written by Sustainability Office student worker Zella Lobo


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