Bike/Walk to Work Week
Bike/Walk to Work Week Commuter Profile
Arielle Johnson
"I love that I have the option to bike to work when the weather is nice, and when it's not, I can simply take transit in the morning and then walk home!"
When asked what advice she has for those getting started in alternative forms of transportation, she said: "Just try it. Pick a day (why not Bike/Walk to Work Day!), pick a modality (if biking, walking, or transit aren't viable options, try carpooling!), and give it a shot for one day. Getting out of our everyday habits and patterns can be difficult, but when you try a new form of transportation, you might be surprised by how easy, fun, or rejuvenating it actually is. I have found taking transit to be a relaxed way to start the day and build community with my fellow Green Line/A Line friends, and the exercise/fresh air combo I get from biking or walking always gives me a boost after a long day."
Still need an extra push? Check out this Star Tribune article featuring Mac alumni, Gordy Moore about how cyclists are the happiest commuters:
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