Initiative to Cut Mississippi River Plastic Waste 20 Percent by 2020
This week, the Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative published their new initiative to cut plastic waste in the Mississippi River 20% by 2020. Local officials, state government and private businesses will work together to create plans to limit plastic use. Right now, there are almost 9 million tons of plastic in the ocean. Almost 40% of the plastic in the Gulf of Mexico may come from the Mississippi River. To limit the plastic in the Mississippi will positively affect marine life, as this plastic can be detrimental to their ecosystems. The excess of plastic waste also affects human drinking water. Overall, this initiative is a great way to clean up our oceans and keep drinking water safe. In order to protect the Mississippi, Macalester has implemented a plastic water ban. Often, plastic water bottles end up in the river, contributing to the plastic waste. Here at Macalester, plastic water bottles are one less piece of waste that will end up in the Mississippi River.
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