Sustainability Office 2018 Progress Report
The Sustainability Office invites you to review the newly published 2018 Macalester College Sustainability Progress Report. Macalester has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 36%, primarily through the installation of a new, more efficient, campus-wide boiler and other miscellaneous energy efficiency projects. Our current waste diversion rate is 83%, largely thanks to the implementation of campus-wide composting since our last progress report. We are quickly approaching our target diversion rate of 90%. We look forward to further reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and waste while increasing our local, organic, humane, and fair-trade food in our dining hall. We also look forward to new initiatives in Sustainability Education, Urban Sustainability, and connecting Sustainability with Health and Wellness.
The Macalester College Sustainability Plan is a road-map for Sustainability at Macalester, ensuring that our institution is compliant with Macalester's Institutional Sustainability Commitments, such as the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment. The Macalester College Sustainability Advisory Committee, which oversees the development and approval of each version of the Sustainability Plan and the Sustainability Progress Report, includes students, staff, faculty, and one alumnus.
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