The Macalester Sustainability Office is Turning 10!

The Macalester Sustainability Office is turning 10! Join us for a reception celebrating Macalester's sustainability accomplishments over the past decade and to discuss our goals for the future. The reception will be held on Febraury 20th from 4-6pm in the Smail Gallery.
Please RSVP at:
Later that evening accomplished author and alumni Kevin Wilhelm will give a public lecture entitled "Climate change. What it's going to take to solve it, what you can do, and how we can all do better."
Lecture at Markim Hall at 7pm
Keving Wilhelm is the CEO of Sustainable Business Consulting and the world's pre-eminent business consultant in the field of sustainability. He brings over 20 years of experience working with 120+ businesses with clients including Amazon, Nordstrom, Expedia, REI, Alaska Airlines, Whole Foods, and The North Face to name a few. He is also a thought leader in this field, having taught at over 7 different universities and written four acclaimed books in this field including: Return on Sustainability: How Business Can Increase Profitability & Address Climate Change in an Uncertain Economy, Making Sustainability Stick, and Introduction to Sustainable Business and is a 1995 graduate of Macalester.
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