Reflections on the Bicycle Friendly University Application Process

Margot and Ellie on the Application Process 

  • After taking Margot Higgin's Cycling the Urban Landscape course in the Fall of 2015, we were inspired, upon her suggestion, to pursue an independent study, working to make Macalester more bike friendly. Although the ultimate end product and goal was to certify Macalester using the League of American Bicyclists Bike Friendly University application, we worked more broadly, utilizing the application as a guideline. Through our efforts to certify Macalester, we worked to make Mac a more accessible place to bike, attempting to improve overall bike awareness, celebration, and infrastructure. Our main projects included planning bike events surrounding international and first-year student orientation, applying and receiving funding for a Dero ZAP counter on Summit avenue, now the most zapped location throughout the Twin Cities, and starting the first annual Bike to Mac Day.
  • With close to 70 essay, short answer, and multiple choice questions, the 30 page application focused on five categories: engineering, education, encouragement, enforcement, and evaluation. We spent the semester and much of the summer before the August deadline researching answers to all the question, utilizing campus resources and working with organizations such as Mac Bikes, the Sustainability Office, facilities, and the Alternative Transportation Association. 
  • In late November, we were officially awarded the Silver Bike Friendly designation. This designation will be in tact until 2020, and can be renewed or moved to a higher level at that time. The BFU program provides the assistance to create great bike campuses, giving structure around what makes a great bike university, and providing feedback for the ways in which a college or university can improve. The designation itself gives a positive indication as to how Macalester is doing in terms of cycling and gives the opportunity for future improvements in cycling. This will not only attract future students, but may provide a good resource to look back on, as well as to utilize for grants or opportunities related to sustainability. 


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